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In the era of social media dominance, where information is published and accessible at unprecedented speeds, it is crucial to actively seek exposure to multiple perspectives to counteract the rising tide of polarisation. Social media platforms often function as echo chambers, where users are surrounded by like-minded individuals and content that reinforces pre-existing beliefs. This self-reinforcing environment can lead to the entrenchment of ideological positions and a lack of empathy for alternative viewpoints. Actively seeking out diverse perspectives allows individuals to challenge their own assumptions, enabling individuals to have a more nuanced understanding of an issue. 


The conformity of beliefs in educational institutions is particularly concerning. In schools, it is not an uncommon sight to see an overwhelming majority of students hold the same view on an issue - one which is highly divided in the general population. Under these environments, critical thinking and self-thought are abandoned, and every individual will recount a similar story. Perhaps this is also due to the influence of social media, or was always an issue. Nevertheless, it warrants immediate attention, and is the predominate problem The Politics Outlook aims to solve. 


We aim to challenge why individuals hold certain views, and whether they have been thought out properly. For instance, some may hold a view because this is what their parents' believe, or what they saw on social media. However, in these cases their perspective on an issue has not really been thought out adequately. Once individuals realise this, they develop a habit of thinking critically in all areas of life - not just politics. We will never challenge the beliefs that someone holds, only how they reached that viewpoint. 


In a thriving democracy, political engagement is important. Without it, people risk being ignorant and potentially misinformed when voting. This is why political literacy and an understanding of key political framework is crucial. In conjunction with breaking through echo chambers, we aim to improve political literacy with the students we work with. Each workshop session involves a new aspect of British or international political framework. Through these two aims, we hope to equip the youth with the skills to be tolerant to others' views, to avoid becoming polarised, and to develop critical thinking. 

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